

Spögler family – Hotel Giardino in Marling:

In 2019 I had got hold of the flyer about Vastu somewhere in Merano, Italy.

I became very curious and contacted Mr Burger.
We then agreed to meet to get to know each other.
During this meeting, I found out that a hotel, who’s owner is a friend of mine, had already carried out this energetic Vastu correction and had only positive things to report about it.
After this consultation, I was convinced to have it done in my hotel as well.

After the correction, I often hear from guests say they recover  from the first night, when normally it would take a few days of vacation and rest to unwind. Other more sensitive guests simply percieve the positive energy of the hotel.

Things are also smoother among the staff; understandings and agreements are easily met that in the past were more difficult to attain.

These are all the reasons why this investment has definitely paid off.
What could be better than a positive energy flow in a hotel where so many different people with different thoughts, expectations and cultural backgrounds come together?

I can only recommend Vastu corrections, especially in the private sphere, because our homes should be a place of recreation, energy and strength in order to be able to cope with everyday life.

Fam. Spögler – Enchanting Luxury Hotel Giardino in Marling – South Tyrol (Dicember 2022)

Valpinsa Srl from Verrès/Aosta:

Our company acquired a factory that had many problems: operations were complicated and we were always exhausted in the evening. Relations with customers and suppliers were tense and problematic. Even the machines regularly suffered breakdowns that did not seem justified.

After Johann and Valeria’s intervention, the situation gradually improved. Turnover immediately increased, without any particular effort, as well as employee happiness. Speaking of employees…thanks to the trend in turnover, their number has doubled in the space of four months.

Vastu has also benefited from the correction the bar/pastry shop located inside the industrial complex, which was previously about to close and now – instead – has made new investments to beautify and expand the place.

The general feeling is of a greater level of energy and well-being, sometimes it seems that problems solve themselves…in short…we feel a better support of nature!

Valpinsa Srl from Verrès/Aosta – Italy (September 2024)

Dr. R. Klotz from Bolzano:

Since Valeria and Johann carried out Vastu corrections in my apartment, with small copper plates and pieces of marble, my feeling towards life has changed very positively: I hope not lose it anymore.

Before, I had moved the bed several times in the room, because I suffered from sleep disorders; I suspected that it could be caused by a water flow. One morning, I woke up at the far end of the bed.

Valeria and Johann effectively spotted and neutralised a stream of water. Since then, my sleep has gone back to normal again, so I could happily go back to sleep in my bed.

Now, I feel more comfortable in my apartment, it has become a place where I can relax and rest.

A big thank you to you, dear Valeria and dear Johann, you are so positive and empathetic!

Reinhilde Klotz from Bolzano – South Tyrol – Ophthalmologist (2016)

Filippo Blanc from Aosta:

Hi Valeria and Johann!
Yes it feels great….I felt a lot of difference and a lot of extra energy!
I have to thank you very much…. someday I would like to learn from you…

Filippo Blanc from Aosta – Italy (June 2023)

Karin Hartmann from Upper Austria:

Hello Valeria!

With the new energy in the house, we are doing very well, the flowers are also thriving again on the beautiful flower bank and my appendix scar has been absolutely calm for decades!!
My skeptical husband Christian was enthusiastic about your work.

Thank you and with best regards from Upper Austria

Karina Hartmann form Upper Austria (February 2024)

Edoardo M. Previt from Medea:

Hi Valeria and Johann,

we feel very well at home, we only had a little trouble sleeping the first three nights, but it’s much better now.

I would like to add that I really feel a nice sense of clarity and peace which helps me at any time of the day at home and especially when meditating.
It has really made a big difference from the start, thank you for what you are doing!

Edoardo M. Previt from Medea – Italy (July 2023)

Sherana Ch. Walter from Graz:

Dear Johann, dear Valeria,

I can’t say exactly when I noticed that I feel so incredibly comfortable in my house. I however became aware of it one day and I think it was about two weeks after you were here for the harmonization.

The atmosphere in the house is noticeably different and finding words to describe it is a real challenge!
It’s like I’m sitting in a protective shell. A loving sense of safeness surrounds me from morning to night.
I can stay indoors for days in a row without having to go out because of that sense of the ceiling falling over my head. I feel “at home” in the true sense of the term.

The heaviness that I used to feel again and again is simply no longer there.
I love my little house more than before and if over the last few years I kept thinking about moving out of here, I am now quite certain that I want to stay.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work, which you do with so much joy and commitment.
And I also thank myself for having immediately pricked up my ears when you first told me about Vastu corrections.

May many people find out about it and decide for it, as this quality of life in ones own four walls is worth its weight in gold – just as we should be worth it!

With all my heartfelt appreciation,

Sherana from Graz – Austria (November 2021)

Lochmann family from Lana:

Happy and grateful, we would like to communicate how harmony and well-being have entered home…
Let’s begin with the phrase: “Simply wonderful!” I think everyone has experienced entering a house and, even if everything looks perfect, you just don’t feel comfortable in it. Thanks to the inspiring testimony of Dr. Prabhat from India and later to Vastu corrections that we did at home, that now everything has visibly changed!
We have seen positive effects especially in our state of health: my husband for a long time had severe pain in his feet and complained of recurring headaches nearly everyday. We suffered from sleep disorders and in the morning we would get up already tired and exhausted. Thanks to your Vastu corrections, all of that now belongs to the past.
We were really impressed to see how the headache instantly disappeared. We wake up well and feeling fresh and rested! The Vastu correction method has also made it possible to shield antennas that we have close to home.
We immediately felt an energy that we did not perceive before! It’s amazing that Vastu can do so much good!

We are very touched by your kindness and gentle manner; from the very beginning all the joy and enthusiasm that you put into your work have been clearly visible! Every single space has been evaluated carefully and with a lot of competence. The many additional tips on room design turned out to be very useful for our health.
We can say that our health problems now belong to the past. The whole family environment and interpersonal relationships are much more harmonious.

A warm thank you to Prabhat, Valeria and Johann for your valuable and excellent work!

Naturally, we advise you to continue and wish you much success. Through Vastu correction, you have put everything in the right light!

With love,

Lisi & Elmar L. – Lana from South Tyrol (2016)

Fam. Zwigl from St. Georgen:

Dear Valeria, dear Johann!

It is now a little over a year ago that you carried out a Vastu correction on our home.
I well recall our most significat problems: at night entities and other strange energies crept around in the house;  furthermore our bank account was constantly empty. Whenever my husband and I earned a few euros, at the end of the month, some expense would arrive, like the dentist or the car repair, leaving us pennyless again.

After the Vastu correction on 31.12.2019, the issues of “strange energies” and “finances” have changed quite a significantly. Since then, not a single external undesired energy has “entered” our home and we have been finacially profitable for a long time.

In addition, I have been selling an excellent Omega 3 oil for a few months now and business is really flowing!
Thank you both from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful correction.

Margit Zwigl family from St. Georgen – South Tyrol (Dicember 2020)

Brunner family from Val Venosta:

Dear Valeria, Johann and Prabhat,

we would like to thank you fort he Vastu corrections you made in our home. Thanks to you I can finally sleep well and my daughter also sleeps more and is much calmer. What strikes me ist hat even the scent oft he house has changed, everything seems more harmonious. In the past, I often noticed that there were „presences“ in the house, not to nice to me, and now these too have disappeared. The relationship between us as a couple has also improved a lot. I feel more comfortable a balanced. Thank you for your kindness and your enthusiasm, which has been contageous for all of us. We wish you the best of luck and hope that many people can fully experience their homes agian though Vastu corrections!

Best wishes,

Uli, Franz and Lia from Val Venosta – South Tyrol (2017)

Astrid Schönweger from Merano:

I met Valeria and Johann Burger in India, in Maitreyi. They both wore an interesting pendant and they explained to me that it was used to protect them and above all that it was useful against radiation of any kind.

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Silberanhänger-Prabhat-2-996x1024.jpg

This triggered something inside of me. I was born with some psychic abilities that have some “side effects”, if you really want to call them that. In addition to complicating my life, they have even intensified with the passage of time. When I am in a crowd for a longer period, I have to “raise my shields” so that I don’t get too much stimulation – thoughts, feelings, pain, other people’s worries, etc. On good days they last almost a day, on bad days only an hour. Oh well, someone will say, then it will do without these “immersions” in the crowd. If only it were that simple. Going to the market or concert, going to the theater or a conference, to the cinema or just visiting a city – all of this becomes difficult.

The “overload”, as I define the phenomenon when all my barriers collapse, consists in taking on a huge amount of things that don’t belong to me, feelings, symptoms and much more. It takes me days to feel me myself again. Usually I have to withdraw, not because I want to, but because I have no alternative. I also use a lot of energy to raise and maintain my protective shields. Since I have been wearing the pendant the quality of my life has increased considerably. I no longer feel the need to shield myself being in the midst of people – the pendant is there to protect me. It’s like they put sunglasses on my third eye. In general I perceive less and, to tell the truth, I really don’t care. Now I can do all those things that I had to give up due to my problem – let’s not even talk about the energy that I have used so far only for protection and which is now available to me for FREE.

Thank you for this!

Astrid Schönweger (Author of ”Die Vintschger Typenlehre“) from Merano – South Tyrol (January 2021)

Geoffrey H. from Auckland:

Hi Johann and Valeria,
I hope you are both happy and well, and are well rested after your recent journey home from Neuseeland. Taking an opportunity here to thank you again for this beautiful vastu pendant. It’s amazing! When I walk around wearing it on my Mala-necklace under a shirt, I can feel it pushing out a silver – white light, out into the environment in front of me. The light from this vastu pendant travels about 2 to 2.5 m max away from the body in all directions, but mostly it goes out in front of me. I can see it actually neutralizing things, invisible energetic objects it ‘finds.’ Again thanks so much for this wonderful pendant.

Jai Guru Dev

Geoffrey H. from Auckland – Neuseeland (May 2023)

Hofer family from Steinegg:

A few days after the energetic building correction:

We experienced an initial worsening in the first few days after the correction🤭.

With my child Maia and me, the last night was already much better, Viktor my husband, couldn’t fall asleep and was nervous🤭. For me it was rather exciting to see how much we reacted to this change and how long it will probably take now until we all sleep super ☺️.

But mostly to “reassure” Viktor, I got back to you guys. He couldn’t understand why we were suddenly sleeping so badly🙈🤭.

In any case, thanks again for your feedback🙏🏻🥰. I’ll get back to you soon, as we’re all sleeping like a bear in hibernation😉☺️ lg❤️

Feedback after about a month:

Hi Valeria!

Thank you very much!

We are doing well, after the phase of change where we couldn’t sleep well, it became better and now we are sleeping great!
We are very very happy that you were in our house to correct everything.
In the meantime I feel comfortable and well at home, and I am very relieved and happy about that.

I am infinitely grateful to both of you and send you warm greetings from all three of us.

All the best!

Sara with family from Steinegg – South Tyrol (2021)

Karin B., near Baden-Baden (Germany):

Dear Johann, dear Valeria, dear prabhat,

already during the correction I had the clear feeling that something heavy, burdensome was simply dissolving in the air. You were like a vortex spinning around the apartment and you carried lightness and brightness with you. This feelinf of brightness persisted. When my son came home, he asked me why I had changed eveything. Infact,I had only turned the dining table and chairs 90 degrees. During the subsequent visit, my mother found everything „very clean“, while a friend fond the atmosphere around him particularly light :)))))

In my apartment I still feel a very good, beautiful light sensation and am grateful for the Vastu corrections you have made for me.

Karin B., Baden-Baden – Germany (February 2017)

Mrs. Maria Esser di Lana:

In my current apartment, where I moved some time ago, I was having trouble sleeping. When a friend of mine introduced me to Johann and Valeria, I immediately called them home and asked them to help me. During their visit, they found a flow of water in the sleeping area and a magnetic grid that crossed it. They applied Vastu enery corrections and the beauty o fit all ist hat I didn’t have to change anything around the house! I couldn’t have moved the bed anyway, as the room is very small.

I am 90 years old now and have been enjoying a wonderful sleep ever since; for this I am very grateful.

Thanks for you quick commiment and you help.

Maria Esser di lana – South Tyrol (2017)

Anna L. from Lengdorf

Only one day after the correction of our home and garden, I noticed positive changes.
My husband has lost his aggressiveness. He usually had an aggressive tone in his voice, now it has completely disappeared. He is relaxed and without stress, a condition that only occured when he was on holiday.
For myself, I have noticed that the heaviness I felt living in this house is no longer there. I finally feel lightness again.

My daughter, who has been living in her own flat for 3 years, always had an inner compulsion to come home as often as possible. She could not stay away from our home. After a few days she told me that this has now changed, she still likes to come home, but she does not have the inner urge to spend all of her free time at her family home. She also enjoys to be at her own place.

If only I had known about this much earlier on. The correction has improved the quality of my life considerably, it was unimaginable to me.

Anna L. from Lengdorf – Germany (2017)

Frieda Hofer – Valle Aurina

Dear Valeria and Johann,

I would like to thank you very much fort he Vastu correction: it positively changed my quality of life. I have always had the feeling of cold in the apartment. I bought a new matress and a slatted base, as I suffered from sleep problems, but I did not know the cause. Then in the middle oft he night, I heard a sound that seemed like a fan. I could only sleep until 2 or 3 o’clock in the morning. Thus, I was tired and in addition health problems followed (headaches, rheumatisms among others). A friend told me that there was the possibility of having the house corrected according to Vastu method: I immediately accepted. Since the corrections have been made, I have noticed changes after a few days. I feel good and balanced again. Thanks to your loving and helpful nature, these problems are a a thing oft he past.

Best regards, Frieda – South Tyrol (2018)

Anna and Toni di Funes – Alto Adige

Gladly we share our impressions after your Vastu correction on our house.
For me (Anna), the quality of my sleep has changed. To my amazement the first night I slept for 7 hours straight. It hadn’t happened in a long time. Now when I wake up at night I go back to sleep immediately and sleep longer altogether.
Before when I woke up during the night I could no longer fall asleep, around 5AM my night was already over.

Now we experience a great lightness and relaxation, also with respect to the sale oft he house and moving homes,. It feels as though our correctly oriented home accompanied us in the process.
At present joy of living and lightheartedness is diffusing. This is wonderful.

We think that healing and evolution occur on multiple levels of consciousness. Sometimes we can’t tell. One is always in support oft he other. At the moment we feel this harmony.

We wish to thank you both with all our hearts for your lightness, for your joy, for your precious work done with such sensitivity and which does so much good.

Anna and Toni – South Tyrol (2017)

Bauer family from Castelrotto

My 3 year old son Christian woke up every 2nd night 3 times crying!!

At first I thought he was having bad dreams… but, every time he screamed, every night, I wondered if his screams could really only come from nigntmares.

Then I heard that the cause of restless sleep or sleep disturbance may also be due to radiation, I asked Johann and Valeria to check the place where Christian sleeps. The interesting thing was that the restless sleep and the screaming had nothing to do with the rays oft he earth (veins of water or magnetic grid lines), but with the opening oft he balcony door that „cut“ the bed. They explained to me that no door should „cut“ the place where you sleep or work, as this can cause serious problems in the long run. Since Johann and Valeria have made corrections to the house, Christian sleeps all night and even his screams are just something oft he past. That this was not just a coincidence, I had proof some time later during a holiday in Val Pusteria. Christian again had the same problem he had at home and in fact there was a door that „cut“ the bed. This was further confirmation of how important a good place to sleep is. I am very grateful to johann and Valeria for solving this problem and helping my son.

Thanks and best regards,

Margit from Castelrotto – South Tyrol (March 2016)

Wolf/Vollath family from Neusiedl/See

Dear Valeria, dear Johann,

after doing the energy correction in our apartment, I can actually sleep again. I finally have a deep sleep, I feel absolutely nothing during the night. I just wake up when my daughter calls me or screams, or if something is going on with her. One night there was a very strong storm and I felt absolutely nothing. Now I can’t wait to go to sleep again, because it almost feels like a vacation and I’m no longer so exhausted. Roland (my husband) also told me that suddenly the transmission towers in our vicinity don’t bother him anymore – he hardly notices them. Before the energy correction these transmission towers were always a problem. Thanks for your work in our home.

Best wishes,

Lisa and Roland from Neusiedl/See – Austria (November 2021)

Isabella Brugiaferri from Milan

Since you came, I immediately felt the house was more spacious, I feel as if the house has bicome bigger, more open. At night I can sleep peacfully, I finally get a restful sleep and not disturbed as before. Everything is calme and more peaceful, I feel calmer, even the cats, who used to sleep with me in the morning!! Before they used to be just with me.

I also feel more active and more willing to do things, such as cooking, I often find myself making new recipes and cooking with more enthusiasm than before.

My son and his girlfriend are also feeling this positive change. Especially his girlfriend told me that she sleeps peacefully and soundly! She usually has trouble falling asleep, but when she comes here she told me she falls asleep right away! And she feels more serene, because she feels so much positivity around her.

Isabella Brugiaferri from Milan – Italy (October 2018)

Christel Stumpp from Dornhan

Dear Valeria and Johann,

18 days have passed since the day oft he „Vastu“ correction of 09/12/18 and it is important form e to give you some feedback (now that I have regained my strength): Immediately from the first night we experienced a deep and restorative „Sleeping Beauty“ sleep. Since then we have been constantly deep sleep and wake up in the morning without having to set the alarm, jumping out of bed like two crickets. I’m not exaggerating, that’s right! I can finally work in the office and use the rooms in the attic. I carry out my work and activities with greater ease. We feel great being at home and I (in 18 days!) have recovered meny things left unfinished for years.

However in the first few days our cat was quite disoriented and confused. Nothinfìg suited her. Her bed between my feet (crossed by a disturbing area) had become uniteresting to her. It was a good decision not to correct his chair (at the intersection of a vein of water). Now she sleeps there.

I am so happy to have gotten to know you and even more happy tob e attending the Vastu training with Dr. Prabhat Poddar soon!

The positive change we found in our home was so significant that SPONTANEOUSLY we decided to ask you to perform a further „Vastu“ corrections, this time in my mother’s apartment. My mother is basically a skeptical woman, but she gave her consent. She had heart problems in the first days there was a storm and her weak heart is always sensitive with bad weather. Therefore perhaps it would be appropriate to speak of a „homeopathic aggravation“. Currently I can say that my mother is happier. At Christmas she told me she wanted to join a „creative group“ (which is completely new because she has always been a loner). There are also other things that indicate to me that my mother has „more will to live“, she is more vital. We have never laughed so much and so heartily in her home.

Christel Stumpp, Dornhan (Germany) (July 2019)

Susanne Siffermann from Zell Unter Aichelberg

Dear Valeria and Johann,

Some time has passed since your surgery at home and I would like to let you know that the quality of my sleep has increased significantly. I can again afford to use the whole bed, not just a part – which before the „Vastu“ correction had become almost impossible.

My whole body feels much more relaxed.

Thanks again, you are doing a great job!

Dear greetings,

Susanne by Zell Unter Aichelberg – Germany (August 2018)

Ralf & Carola Kotalla from Haigerloch

Hi Valeria and Johann,

We are fine and the harmony in our home is also increasing.
We thank you for your commitment.
Already after a few days we can say that we feel greater serenity! Carola perceives it with greater inner happiness and the feeling of being at home!

And our 3 new members feel just as good, even though they are a rooster and two hens!

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Hahn-Hühner.jpg

It seems to us that all of our animals feel more relaxed.

Best regards from Haigerloch

Ralf (October 2019)

Labor Kotalla GbR
Kätzling 2 D-72401 Haigerloch Germany – Tel. +49 (0) 7474 95360 – mob. +49 (0) 171 622 85 21

Angelika & Jurgen Schwenk from Epfendorf

Hi Valeria,
Hi Johann,
Hi Chistel,

I am sending you our impression after you have performed the Vastu correction:

On the day of your correction Vastu, returning home after the wlk with the dog, I exclaimed: “The house seems fresher and calmer to me.”

My critical thinking made me reflect:

It may be that the freshness is due to having left the windows and the door open, but no, instead Itoday I perceive, in my home and on my ground it is cooler, calmer and also more harmonious.

So doing the Vastu correction was the right decision for us.

Meanwhile, Angelika’s night rest has also normalized.
In this sense we thank you and send a warm greeting from Epfendorf.

Angelika & Jurgen Schwenk – Epfendorf – Germany (July 2019)

Stocker family from Merano – Maia Alta:

In February 2019, my husband and I invited Johann and Valeria, because our 4 year old twins suffered from insomnia, especially our son suffered various health problems. Our children woke up regularly around 3am and had a „party“ preventing us adults from getting our sleep.

Over time, our son suffered from chronic breathing problems that forced us to frequent hospital visits. We returned from the hospital with no results as the cause of his breathing difficulties has never been found.
Due tot he problems of insomnia and the baby’s difficult breathing, we all suffered in the family, including the grandmother who often intervened to bring some calm.
With the „Lecher“ antenna Johann and Valeria tested and ascertained that a magnetic net ran in the children’s bed area along the wall, at the height oft he child’s chest they found another 2 lines of magnetic grids (grids nodes magnetic). In addition, there were negative influences on the children’s bed, due tot he retraction oft he two doors (the entrance door and the balcony door). A strong magnetic grid-line was also found in our bedroom which disturbed our sleep.

The first week, after Valeria and Johann did the correction, I didn’t sleep a wink as I couldn’t hear the children getting up anymore. I kept checking to see if they were okay.
Since then the baby’s condition has normalized and now we can all sleep peacefully.

After this experience, I realised how important a deep and restful sleep is.

We thank you you for your work – it has greatly increased the quality of our life.

Best wishes Sonja,

Fam. Stocker from Merano – South Tyrol (October 2019)

Agnes Schwienbacher from Val d’Ultimo:

Hi Valeria and Johann,
what seemed really great to me about the Vastu correction you performed in my home:
I was writing my book, but for some reason I couldn’t go on.
After the Vastu correction, things got going and I regained my mental clarity again.

My four-year-old granddaughter was in a good mood from day one of the Vastu correction, which was very unusual for her.

Day by day she was more and more lovable, really cheerful, everything was fine. Her unruly being was gone! :o)

Best wishes,


Agnes Schwienbacher from St. Pankraz / Val d’Ultimo – South Tyrol (Dicember 2018)

Roland G. from Ebersberg near Munich

Dear Valeria, dear Johann,

calm, bright, harmonious and powerful… that’s how our house and property feel now. I am sitting in my office feeling relaxed as never before. Our sleep is restful and joy and harmony have also returned in the kitchen and living room. We are going to use your wonderful Vastu work soon again and can only warmly recommend you highly.

Many greetings,

Roland G. from Ebersberg near Munich – Germany (March 2020)

Aleksandra Filipovic from Weitnau

I recently moved into an apartment located in a fairly dated building.
The apartment is very quiet and bright. In the immediate vicinity flows a small river.
From the first day I was able to notice a “stagnant” atmosphere inside my new home, as if energy did not circulate.
For this reason I kept the windows open day and night; hearing the little river flow gave me the sensation of vitality.

Things changed after the correction with the Vastu; the apartment remained quiet 😃 but I have the feeling that “you breathe”.

I feel at my best. Thanks Johann and Valeria! 🙏

Aleksandra Filipovic from Weitnau – Germany (January 2020)

Gloriana Dalmazi of Pordenone

In May 2019 we had our home refurbished. Taking the year into “account” to date, August 2020, we can say that it was a lucky year in which many important family situations have taken a good turn and we can say that, in all this, the Vastu rectification has had and important role.

For this reason it was natural for us, only a few days ago, to take the opportunity in which Johann and Valeria were passing by our neighbourhood to rectify the holiday cottage, a small apartment in the mountains, a magical and silent place … It immediately acquired the “flavor” of home, the same energy, the same sense of protection, peace and strength that we already lived in the city (despite the challenging social dynamics of recent months !!).

We are very grateful to Johann and Valeria for their work and we obviously thank architect Poddar for this splendid knowledge that we feel we can recommend to those who care about their own health and happiness and that of their family…. In short: To everyone!

Gloriana Dalmazi of Pordenone – Italy (April 2020)

Rosa Forer from Bolzano

Valeria and Johann corrected my small flat in the summer of 2020 and I am very grateful to them. My sleep has not changed significantly as a result, because with a few exceptions I have a good sleep, though my well-being in the flat has improved in every room, in every corner and situation.

I knew that a water vein crossed under my bed area and this fact always worried me quite a lot as I could not move my bed. During this time, I have not only learned a lot of new knowledge about these crossings and about the situation of my flat in this regard, I have also experienced the corrections by Johann and Valeria – without moving any furniture.

My flat has now become my second skin, with which I can live and breathe well. For this reason, I can only recommend the work of Valeria and Johann, especially to those who want to make their flat more homely.

Many thanks Valeria and Johann!!!

Rosa Forer from Bolzano – South Tyrol (August 2020)